Meta Controller: Meta-Task & Meta-Dataset & Meta-Model


Meta Controller provides guidance to Forecast Model, which aims to learn regular patterns among a series of forecasting tasks and use learned patterns to guide forthcoming forecasting tasks. Users can implement their own meta-model instance based on Meta Controller module.

Meta Task

A Meta Task instance is the basic element in the meta-learning framework. It saves the data that can be used for the Meta Model. Multiple Meta Task instances may share the same Data Handler, controlled by Meta Dataset. Users should use prepare_task_data() to obtain the data that can be directly fed into the Meta Model.

class qlib.model.meta.task.MetaTask(task: dict, meta_info: object, mode: str = 'full')

A single meta-task, a meta-dataset contains a list of them. It serves as a component as in MetaDatasetDS

The data processing is different - the processed input may be different between training and testing

  • When training, the X, y, X_test, y_test in training tasks are necessary (# PROC_MODE_FULL #)

    but not necessary in test tasks. (# PROC_MODE_TEST #)

  • When the meta model can be transferred into other dataset, only meta_info is necessary (# PROC_MODE_TRANSFER #)

__init__(task: dict, meta_info: object, mode: str = 'full')

The __init__ func is responsible for - store the task - store the origin input data for - process the input data for meta data

  • task (dict) – the task to be enhanced by meta model

  • meta_info (object) – the input for meta model

get_meta_input() object

Return the processed meta_info

Meta Dataset

Meta Dataset controls the meta-information generating process. It is on the duty of providing data for training the Meta Model. Users should use prepare_tasks to retrieve a list of Meta Task instances.

class qlib.model.meta.dataset.MetaTaskDataset(segments: Union[Dict[str, Tuple], float], *args, **kwargs)

A dataset fetching the data in a meta-level.

A Meta Dataset is responsible for - input tasks(e.g. Qlib tasks) and prepare meta tasks

  • meta task contains more information than normal tasks (e.g. input data for meta model)

The learnt pattern could transfer to other meta dataset. The following cases should be supported - A meta-model trained on meta-dataset A and then applied to meta-dataset B

  • Some pattern are shared between meta-dataset A and B, so meta-input on meta-dataset A are used when meta model are applied on meta-dataset-B

__init__(segments: Union[Dict[str, Tuple], float], *args, **kwargs)

The meta-dataset maintains a list of meta-tasks when it is initialized.

The segments indicates the way to divide the data

The duty of the __init__ function of MetaTaskDataset - initialize the tasks

prepare_tasks(segments: Union[List[str], str], *args, **kwargs) List[MetaTask]

Prepare the data in each meta-task and ready for training.

The following code example shows how to retrieve a list of meta-tasks from the meta_dataset:

# get the train segment and the test segment, both of them are lists
train_meta_tasks, test_meta_tasks = meta_dataset.prepare_tasks(["train", "test"])

segments (Union[List[Text], Tuple[Text], Text]) – the info to select data


A list of the prepared data of each meta-task for training the meta-model. For multiple segments [seg1, seg2, … , segN], the returned list will be [[tasks in seg1], [tasks in seg2], … , [tasks in segN]]. Each task is a meta task

Return type


Meta Model

General Meta Model

Meta Model instance is the part that controls the workflow. The usage of the Meta Model includes: 1. Users train their Meta Model with the fit function. 2. The Meta Model instance guides the workflow by giving useful information via the inference function.

class qlib.model.meta.model.MetaModel

The meta-model guiding the model learning.

The word Guiding can be categorized into two types based on the stage of model learning - The definition of learning tasks: Please refer to docs of MetaTaskModel - Controlling the learning process of models: Please refer to the docs of MetaGuideModel

abstract fit(*args, **kwargs)

The training process of the meta-model.

abstract inference(*args, **kwargs) object

The inference process of the meta-model.


Some information to guide the model learning

Return type


Meta Task Model

This type of meta-model may interact with task definitions directly. Then, the Meta Task Model is the class for them to inherit from. They guide the base tasks by modifying the base task definitions. The function prepare_tasks can be used to obtain the modified base task definitions.

class qlib.model.meta.model.MetaTaskModel

This type of meta-model deals with base task definitions. The meta-model creates tasks for training new base forecasting models after it is trained. prepare_tasks directly modifies the task definitions.

fit(meta_dataset: MetaTaskDataset)

The MetaTaskModel is expected to get prepared MetaTask from meta_dataset. And then it will learn knowledge from the meta tasks

inference(meta_dataset: MetaTaskDataset) List[dict]

MetaTaskModel will make inference on the meta_dataset The MetaTaskModel is expected to get prepared MetaTask from meta_dataset. Then it will create modified task with Qlib format which can be executed by Qlib trainer.


A list of modified task definitions.

Return type


Meta Guide Model

This type of meta-model participates in the training process of the base forecasting model. The meta-model may guide the base forecasting models during their training to improve their performances.

class qlib.model.meta.model.MetaGuideModel

This type of meta-model aims to guide the training process of the base model. The meta-model interacts with the base forecasting models during their training process.

abstract fit(*args, **kwargs)

The training process of the meta-model.

abstract inference(*args, **kwargs)

The inference process of the meta-model.


Some information to guide the model learning

Return type



Qlib provides an implementation of Meta Model module, DDG-DA, which adapts to the market dynamics.

DDG-DA includes four steps:

  1. Calculate meta-information and encapsulate it into Meta Task instances. All the meta-tasks form a Meta Dataset instance.

  2. Train DDG-DA based on the training data of the meta-dataset.

  3. Do the inference of the DDG-DA to get guide information.

  4. Apply guide information to the forecasting models to improve their performances.

The above example can be found in examples/benchmarks_dynamic/DDG-DA/